From the course: Communicating with Emotional Intelligence

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Recognize emotional intelligence cues

Recognize emotional intelligence cues

- Recognizing emotionally intelligent communication, as well as EI mistakes, is the first step in increasing our emotional quotient. During these scenes, write down problematic behaviors and strategies that would have helped our struggling characters. Also note examples of our characters doing a good job of communicating with emotional intelligence. Have your pen and notebook ready, here we go. - We have to reduce costs by 5%, again, next year. I know it took everything we had to make it last year, but I have some ideas about how we can do it if we're just. - Oh, okay, okay. Are you kidding? They keep messing with our division. You know, I bet the executive team isn't taking any hits, like, show me their budget reductions for the year. - Okay, I mean, thanks for the info Sabrina. I'm sure the CFO is under tremendous pressure. - Yeah, I mean she is. So, let's get creative. - Hopefully, you noticed that Cody needs some…
