From the course: Communicating with Emotional Intelligence

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Manage your emotions

Manage your emotions

- If your face shows exactly what you're thinking all the time, you've got some work to do. So let me show you some ways you can self-regulate your emotions in a tough situation. So here we are in a meeting where Lauren and Cody are talking about a tense subject. Cody is droning on and on. Lauren is bored and agitated, and she may not realize it, but it shows. For instance, clicking her pen is a tell, her posture and facial expressions also look disengaged, and that sigh screamed boredom. How do you avoid showing your boredom or frustration in a meeting when that's exactly what you're feeling? Well, change the way you think. If you think differently, you will project differently. Lauren might be thinking, "Oh, geez, I've heard this a thousand times before." If she can catch that and amend to something like, "All right, he is a little chatty, but he's also pretty creative. Maybe he'll explain it in a way I've never…
