From the course: Communicating with Emotional Intelligence

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Communicate confidently and with tact

Communicate confidently and with tact

- People judge emotional intelligence in part on our conversational style. Researchers at Cornell University studied almost 1300 online conversations, noting the differences between conversations that dissolved into hostility or hurt feelings and those that stayed diplomatic despite opposing views. Learn the danger phrases to avoid when embarking on a difficult conversation and replace those with more tactful options when you're speaking or writing. Begin by seeking to understand the perspective of the other person. Lead the conversation with gratitude and curiosity. Avoid asking why questions or leading questions, which create defensiveness in your listeners. For example, you might replace, now why would you suggest that with, hmm, thank you for sharing your idea. Replace leading questions like, so you're fine with our sales just plummeting with genuine curiosity, something like, could you share more about the…
