From the course: Communicating to Drive People to Take Action

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Create aha moments

Create aha moments

- To ensure your communication moves people to take the action you desire, strive to create breakthroughs or what we will call aha moments. As a communicator, you can't control whether or not your communication drives the kind of discovery or insight that leads them to want to take action on your words. This is, unfortunately, true across context. Whether you are a manager speaking to your team members or a parent speaking to your kiddos. One of the most effective techniques for increasing the likelihood of an aha moment is telling a relevant, personal story, and following it up with a question or series of questions that draws your listeners in. If you've ever watched a TED talk, you likely have experienced what I'm talking about, a speaker tells a story that, at least initially, feels like it is about him or her. Yet, you feel drawn in. Afterward, you feel like you have a new understanding or at least a deeper…
