From the course: Communicating to Drive People to Take Action

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Communicate persuasively

Communicate persuasively

- Have you ever sat in a presentation and thought to yourself, "This speaker must be inside my head, "what she's saying is exactly what I'm thinking"? In such a moment, you are almost right. The speaker wasn't in your head, but she was speaking directly to the conversation going on within it. Developing your ability to speak to people's thinking and especially to their self-talk, begins by making a critical mindset shift, rather than focus on what you want someone to do after you speak, and think of your primary role as needing to persuade them, instead you focus on identifying the likely internal dialogue happening in their heads. When you make this shift, your primary role becomes speaking to that conversation on a moment-to-moment basis. There are a number of phrases that enable you to effectively demonstrate to people you understand what is going on for them. You've heard me use a number of them in this course.…
