From the course: Communicating to Drive People to Take Action

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Communicate asks clearly

Communicate asks clearly

- If you want to drive people to take action on your communication, you must, wait for it, call them to take action. My uncle once called me an oracle of the obvious, and it's a term of endearment I'm happy to own. If you want people to change their thinking, tell them that. If you want them to create a new habit, tell them what that habit is. If you want people to go vote, tell them to register, and then follow up and make sure they show up and actually cast their ballot. Regrettably, it's too easy, and too common, to make an otherwise compelling, persuasive case and then end with a fizzle rather than a bang because you failed to make clear what someone should do next. Keep your final call to action simple, concise, direct, and action-oriented. Let's say you're a team leader speaking with a direct report about a performance issue, and you say, "I'm glad you're committed "to showing more initiative and follow-through…
