From the course: Cold Calling Mastery

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The best sales question to ask

The best sales question to ask

From the course: Cold Calling Mastery

The best sales question to ask

- So don't forget I keep on saying how important why is and I'll come on to it later on when talk about objection handling but it's also important here for gathering information because it makes people open up and tell you what it is. You're just going down layer by layer by layer by saying, why? So for example, do you have an IT supplier at the moment? Yes. How are you finding them? Not great. Okay, why? Well because we have to have 100% uptime. Okay, why is that? Because we work in the emergency services and people's lives are on the line. Okay you've stumbled across an absolute diamond there. That's an incredibly important thing to their business. So you just keep on saying why? and why? and why? And just going down until you get the right answer. No one's going to totally open up and tell you everything. You need to keep on saying, why is that? Why do you find it like that? Why is that happening to you?…
