From the course: Coaching for Results

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Raise the stakes on accountability

Raise the stakes on accountability

From the course: Coaching for Results

Raise the stakes on accountability

- Accountability. Say what you're going to do, add a deadline and communicate results. Simple, right? Well, yes and no. Yes if you want run-of-the-mill results and no if you want exceptional results. So let's raise the stakes on accountability. I was working with Davia, an engineer in a senior project director role who was on track for a promotion to chief of operations. Now, the problem was she loved coding and wanted to keep her hands in the doing side of things. That meant she didn't delegate as often as she needed to and missed opportunities to build her influence with leaders in strategic planning and direction and that meant she was in danger of being passed over for that promotion to COO. So Davia not only needed to refocus her priorities and career goals, she needed to get really explicit about her accountabilities to our work together as coach and client and to her organization. So as you work with your…
