From the course: Coaching for Results

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Create a coaching contract

Create a coaching contract

From the course: Coaching for Results

Create a coaching contract

- When you establish a coaching relationship, you want to create a personalized contract to give your coaching sessions purpose, boundaries, and specificity. To help you tailor the specifics, I've included a sample contract in the exercise files, and we're going to cover the main elements here. The first section has to do with coaching objectives, milestones related to those objectives, measurements of success, and consequences when accountabilities aren't met. As you work your way through the contract, three things are important here. One, that you want to help your coachee drill down and get specific. Two, you want to challenge, say for ho-hum goals, and three, you want to make sure your coachee's goals align with your team or organizational goals. In other words, if your coachee sets a goal of 20% improvement and you know that 50% is what's required to meet company objectives, be transparent and lean in. Tell them…
