From the course: ISC2 Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) (2024) Cert Prep

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Conducting investigations

Conducting investigations

- [Instructor] During the course of their work, information security professionals often find themselves involved in different types of investigations. In some cases, these investigations are led by security teams in response to suspected or actual security incidents. In other cases, the investigation might be led by another group, and security professionals are asked to contribute evidence and expertise. There are four main types of investigations that often involve cybersecurity professionals. These are operational or administrative investigations, criminal investigations, civil investigations, and regulatory investigations. Operational investigations are undertaken to investigate issues related to the organization's technology infrastructure. For example, a service might be returning errors, a server might be responding too slowly, or a network might be congested. These operational investigations seek to get to the underlying cause of these symptoms and resolve them, restoring…
