From the course: Cisco Network Security: VPN

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Using the IPsec AH

Using the IPsec AH

- [Educator] The IPsec Authentication Header provides connectionless support for data integrity and authentication along with protection against a replay attack. The Authentication Header authenticates as much of the IP header as possible along with any upper-layer protocols. However, IPsec cannot authenticate any field values that change. The Authentication Header can be used alone or with the Encapsulating Security Payload protocol, and may be used in either transport or tunnel mode. Prior to exchanging data, IPsec creates a security association between the two communicating entities. This provides the attributes necessary for the Authentication Header process. Here is an illustration of the Authentication Header format. Let's talk about the three key fields. The Security Parameter Index is an essential part of IPsec as it distinguishes between the traffic streams that use different encryption rules and algorithms.…
