From the course: Cisco Network Security: VPN

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Traversing through a NAT device

Traversing through a NAT device - Cisco Routers Tutorial

From the course: Cisco Network Security: VPN

Traversing through a NAT device

- [Instructor] Many organizations use network address translation, which translates a private IP address to a public address and vice versa. Organizations also use VPN technology to protect communications of the growing number of remote workers. Commonly, we see an IPsec VPN. However, IPsec can run into trouble with network address translation and firewall rules. As a result, the device may need additional configuration. NAT traversal is a feature that allows IPsec traffic to pass through a NAT or PAT device, and addresses several issues that occur when using IPsec. The authentication header provides connectionless support for data integrity and authentication of packets. The authentication header authenticates as much of the IP header as possible, as well as any upper level protocols. IPsec checks the IP source and destination addresses for integrity. When passing through a NAT or PAT device, the message integrity…
