From the course: Cisco Certified Technician (CCT) Routing and Switching (100-490) Cert Prep

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Identify networking responsibilities

Identify networking responsibilities

- That cable's cut, is it your responsibility or the carrier's responsibility? Stick around to find out. (light music) - [Announcer] You are watching "ITPro TV". - Hello ladies and gentlemen, thank you for tuning in to more of the Cisco CCT. That's right, we are going to be talking about identifying network responsibilities in this episode. Ronnie, tell us a little bit about the goals for this episode. - Yeah, when it comes down to goals for this particular episode, we want to make sure that we understand that at times we're going to be dealing with, of course, the networking equipment that we're responsible for. But it doesn't mean that the CCT, the Certified Cisco Technician, doesn't need to know that there's actually other responsibilities that we may not want to touch. So today we're going to actually take a look at that particular idea of where we have a subscriber, and we also have of course, our service provider, and want to make sure that we can identify the responsibilities…
