From the course: Cisco CCT Routing and Switching (100-490) Cert Prep: 1 General Networking

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Identify basic networking hardware

Identify basic networking hardware

- So, you've just been sent to a customer's location. Can you identify the basic networking hardware? Stick around to learn how. - [Announcer] You're watching "ITProTV." (upbeat music) - Hello, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for tuning in to the "Cisco Certified Technician Routing and Switching series." Ronnie, what are some of the key goals for this series? - So, when we start talking about what we need to be able to do, this series is actually designed around that Cisco technician that is going out into the field. And in this one, we want to make sure that we, at least understand and be able to identify what those hardware components are likely to encounter directly in the field. So, Wes, what do you think? Let's go ahead and get started and take a look at that. - That sounds great, Ronnie. I know we've got a lot of devices that really help us to communicate across networks. And where they're positioned in the…
