From the course: Cisco CCNP SCOR v1.1 Security (350-701) Cert Prep: 2 Cloud and Content Security

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Cloud service models

Cloud service models

- [Instructor] Now that we understand the different cloud deployment models, let's look at some possible service models. We can break this down into three main categories. Again, you can reference NIST Special Publication 500-322 as a reference guide for these service models. NIST has a cloud computing reference architecture that includes a service layer. Inside this service layer, we find our three different service models, Software as a Service, Platform as a Service, and Infrastructure as a Service. Depending on the needs of your business, you may implement one or more of these cloud services. These services can be implemented and built upon each other or they can be used as independent standalone pieces, again, depending on your needs. Let's begin with Infrastructure as a Service, or IaaS for short. Very simply, this is a virtual provisioning of resources that are available over the internet. This allows you to create…
