From the course: Cisco CCNP SCOR v1.1 Security (350-701) Cert Prep: 2 Cloud and Content Security

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Cisco umbrella reporting

Cisco umbrella reporting

- [Instructor] Let's now look at some of the reporting features of Cisco Umbrella. We have lots of great information available to us within Cisco Umbrella by going under the Reporting tab that we see here on the left. From here we have three sections. We have Core Reports, Additional Reports, and Management. So, again, lots of great information we can see. If we click things such as the Security Overview we're going to get lots of great graphs. Similarly, with Security Activity we have lots of visual output available to us here. In addition to these helpful graphs some types of reports can be exported. If we look at the next option, which is Activity Search, at the top we see an Export CSV option. When we click that this is going to allow us to actually export this report. We can give that report a title and we can limit the number of results to a certain amount of rows with 1 million rows being the maximum. So, in this…
