From the course: Cisco CCNP ENARSI v1.1 (300-410) Cert Prep: 4 Infrastructure Services

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Syslog log entries

Syslog log entries

- [Instructor] There are a few different Syslog troubleshooting options we want to take a look at from the perspective of a Cisco device. The most basic syslog configuration is console logging using the Debug command. These syslog messages are presented directly to the console port and they're visible when we connect to the CLI. Other than the direct console display, there are two other main ways that Cisco devices can store syslog information and that's either in the internal buffer or this can be sent to an external storage device. Buffered logging allows us to record our messages instead of just displaying those on the console. We can do that by going under global configuration mode and we can use the command logging buffered and if we look at contextual help, one of the top options that we see is the logging buffer size. So you see that we can set that to a numerical value in bytes. By default, the buffer size is going to be 4,096 bytes in most devices and that's pretty small so…
