From the course: Cisco CCNP ENARSI v1.1 (300-410) Cert Prep: 4 Infrastructure Services

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Statistics monitoring

Statistics monitoring

- [Instructor] We've covered a lot of what Cisco DNA Center Assurance can do. So we want to wrap up this discussion with mentioning all of the statistical monitoring options that DNA Center can offer. If we go back to the main assurance page as we've done here, let's choose the Manage tab. And from that dropdown, you can see that we have the option to choose Issue Settings. This is going to provide a list of all statistics that DNA Center can monitor on the network. From here, you can customize this for your own needs by enabling or disabling specific issues from being reported. For example, right up top, we see an issue named, "Drop in radio throughput for Cloud Applications." We also see that this is currently not enabled in this sandbox environments as we can see in this first column. Now, if we click to expand this issue, we can see more details about that. Now, being a sandbox environment we are not able to enable or disable these as you would be able to do with an actual…
