From the course: Cisco CCNP ENARSI v1.1 (300-410) Cert Prep: 4 Infrastructure Services

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- [Instructor] We now want to look at troubleshooting SNMP, both version 2c and version 3. Before we look at the specific steps for each version, let's talk about some general troubleshooting steps. Regardless of the version, you want to start with where we start with most things, and that's making sure that you have layer 3 connectivity through a simple ping test. Make sure you can ping the SNMP server from the agent device. You'll also want to make sure UDP ports 161 and 162 are not being blocked. SNMP uses UDP port 161 for general messages and UDP port 162 for trap messages. Now let's discuss some specific steps for SNMP version 2c troubleshooting. We can take a look at my configuration by saying show run, and I'll say pipe to section SNMP. The specific things that you'll want to check for first are that your community strings match. You can see that my community string is ENARSI in all caps, and so the Cisco router in my case is configured as an SNMP agent. So in order for the…
