From the course: Cisco CCNP ENARSI v1.1 (300-410) Cert Prep: 4 Infrastructure Services

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NetFlow version 5

NetFlow version 5

- Let's take a look at troubleshooting NetFlow version 5, here you can see in our topology that we have three hosts on the network. And they're connected into a router, that takes us over to the network, where we can see our NetFlow Collector. NetFlow gives us lots of insight into our network traffic, so it's a very valuable tool, it's very common, in fact, it's actually a best practice to use an external NetFlow Collector. Now, you can use NetFlow to view information directly in the command line interface. But it's much better to use a standalone collector, this is going to give you the ability to store NetFlow information for a much longer period of time. And it's also going to give you access to lots of helpful analytics and sorting tools through a Netflow Collector software. And this example, in this particular router, router one that's configured to collect and export NetFlow information to an external NetFlow collector. Let's say that our collector…
