From the course: Cisco CCNP ENARSI v1.1 (300-410) Cert Prep: 4 Infrastructure Services

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File transfer protocols

File transfer protocols

- [Instructor] It's likely that at some point you'll want to use a file transfer protocol with your iOS device. The protocols that we commonly use use include TFTP, SCP, HTTP, and HTTPS among others. Now these are the most commonly used for upgrading iOS images, or for transferring other files between your management hosts, and the device. So in other words, for things like backing up your iOS files. So let's take a look at some common troubleshooting issues here, starting with TFTP. Which is the trivial file transfer protocol. And this is a simplified version of FTP. The most common use for this with cisco devices is when we upgrade, or backup iOS. There are lots of TFTP options out there that will essentially turn any host machine into a TFTP server. So that you can download your iOS files, and you can transfer those to your cisco device. They'll also allow you to back up iOS files from the device to the host machine. A few things to be aware of with troubleshooting this, are first…
