From the course: Cisco CCNP ENARSI v1.1 (300-410) Cert Prep: 4 Infrastructure Services

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DHCP client

DHCP client

- [Instructor] At this point in your training, you should already be familiar with the theory and operation of DHCP. For the NRC exam specifically, you need to be able to troubleshoot DHCP. We'll start by taking a look first at troubleshooting DHCP from the client side of things. Here I have a windows-based client, and if we want to see addressing information, we can open a command line as I have here, and we can run the command IP config. Here, we can see that output stating the IP address. We can also see the sub-net mask,, and we can see the default gateway, So, these are the settings in my virtualized host. If we're using DHCP to assign these addresses, which is very common for our clients in an enterprise network, the client is going to obtain all of this information automatically from a DHCP server on the network. When we're looking at an IPv4 address, we have two parts. We have the network portion or the subnet portion, and we have the host…
