From the course: Cisco CCNP Collaboration CLCOR v1.2 (350-801) Cert Prep

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Quality of service recommendations

Quality of service recommendations

- [Instructor] Now that we understand that we can mark our traffic with different values at Layer 2 and at Layer 3, and we understand that we can categorize traffic into different classes, no more than 11 classes of traffic, let's look at some of Cisco's recommendations for how we can create those classes and how we can mark our voice and video traffic as well as our call signaling traffic. And the number of classes you have doesn't have to be 11. Maybe your network traffic is not that diverse. So Cisco has both a 4 and a 5 Class model. Let's take a look. One class of traffic in this model is the Scavenger class. This is for your less than desirable traffic. Maybe somebody's doing network gaming and you don't want to support that on your network. That could be scavenger traffic. For traffic that you don't have a particularly strong opinion about, that could go in your Best Effort category. For data that you do think is…
