From the course: Cisco CCNP Collaboration CLCOR v1.2 (350-801) Cert Prep

Exam preparation

- [Instructor] In this module, our focus is on getting you ready to take the CLCOR exam. That's exam number 350-801. And in our first video in this module, we'll take a look at how you can register for the exam out at the Pearson VUE website, we'll talk about some study strategies to help you best prepare for the exam and help motivate yourself through the study process,, and then, finally, we'll take a look at what to do on exam day. How do you show up as your best self? Because I don't know about you, but personally, I'm a nervous test taker. I can get a bit stressed out when I take a Cisco exam. So I want to share with you some strategies that I have personally used to help me show up as my best self on exam day and help to calm my nerves a bit. Now let's take a look in our next video at how we get signed up for this exam.
