From the course: Cert Prep: PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)®

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Tailor agile to meet your needs

Tailor agile to meet your needs

- Sometimes when I find great clothes on sale they're not quite the right size. I found a wonderful tailor though who can modify these clothes so they fit me perfectly. You might think of agile in the same way as a family of practices that allow you to tailor your processes to meet your specific needs. The most common adaptation is in sprint length. As you know iterations are meant to be anywhere from two to four weeks. This inherent ability to flex is the easiest way to tailor your agile practice. As an example I once worked on a team that was given a large initiative with a lot of risk and a tight timeline to bring the product to market. One of the adaptations we made to our scrum practice was to shift their iteration length from three weeks to two. Why? Well in the face of high risk and short time lines we needed to speed up our process of discovery. Essentially we needed to fail faster to meet the deadline while…
