From the course: CCSK Cert Prep: 4 Data Security for Computing

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Storage account lifecycle management

Storage account lifecycle management

- [Instructor] Proper cloud governance means understanding how do apply -security at all phases of the data life cycle. And what we're talking about here is dealing with data once it reaches end of life. When it's no longer useful do we do? Do we delete that data or perhaps due to regulatory compliance, we must retain the data for a period of time? Or we can do that manually and we can automate it with lifecycle management within an Azure storage account. And so to get started here in the portal, I'm going to open up my navigator on the left, and I'm going to go all the way down to storage accounts, where I've got one storage account. So that's going to be the one that I click on. And I'm going to go down under data storage and click Containers because I've already created a blob container, kind of like a folder on a hard disk called projects within which I have three blobs, three files, sample files that I've uploaded…
