From the course: CCSK Cert Prep: 4 Data Security for Computing

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Cloud database replication

Cloud database replication

- [Instructor] Creating a replica of a database is nothing new. However, in the cloud, there are some interesting things to consider, such as data sovereignty issues. So if you've got a primary replica of a database with sensitive information stored in a region within the European Union, how does that work if you replicate that to another region? So we have to think about applicable laws and regulations that may or may not apply. Now specifically, with the GDPR, with the General Data Protection Regulation, which protects European Union citizen data, it doesn't matter where the data is, where the company that's manipulating that data operates, the GDPR is in effect. However, that's not the case with all laws or regulations that are related to data privacy. And so let's take a look then here in Microsoft Azure, how we might enable replication for a cloud database. So to get started here in the portal, I'm going to go into…
