From the course: CCSK Cert Prep: 4 Data Security for Computing

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Cloud database RBAC roles

Cloud database RBAC roles

- [Instructor] When you deal with cloud-based resources, like databases, you need to consider the security aspect when it comes to other cloud technicians, and that's where role-based access control, or RBAC, comes in as being very handy in Microsoft Azure. So, the first thing I'd like to do here is go to, let's say, our subscription in Azure, in which we create our resources, so in the top-center field, I'm going to search for "subscription" or begin typing that in, and I'm going to choose Subscriptions. So I've got one subscription here, which I'm going to click on to open up its properties. What I'm interested in looking at is Access control IAM over in the left-hand navigator. IAM stands for Identity and Access Management. The reason I'm interested in this is this is where we can assign roles. I can click Role assignments to see any current assignments, who currently has permissions at the subscription level, and…
