From the course: C#: Design Patterns Part 1

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Solution: Design patterns outside of software

Solution: Design patterns outside of software - Python Tutorial

From the course: C#: Design Patterns Part 1

Solution: Design patterns outside of software

(bright upbeat music) - [Narrator] Here's my solutions. I don't expect yours to be the same. Remember the goal is to think about design patterns, not specifically to answer this exact questions. You still might be correct, even with a completely different set of answers here. In the case of the vehicle, I took the shape and configuration of passenger vehicles. It solves the problem of getting passengers comfortably, from one place to another. It's written down shared, with National Vehicle Safety Standards, seeing other vehicles, knowing that drivers and passengers should be able to easily get to the features that they're used to. How does it change? There's cleaner energy sources, improved comfort entertainment, the efficiency of the travel or the usage of space. How can I unbreak this pattern down into some smaller pieces? Take economy cars, or buses, or luxury cars, and see how the pattern changes there. In the…
