From the course: C#: Design Patterns Part 1

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- [Richard] Congratulations, you've made it to the end. I understand that you may have been promised cake. Please see your manager in that regard. In this course we learn what design patterns are, how they're used in C#, why they're useful and how we can use them in C# to make our architectures better. But where should you go from here? Consider reading the original "Gang of Four Patterns" book to get really deep details. The examples in C++ may not be the easiest to read and some of the issues mentioned are not the problem that they used to be due to improvements in language design, but overall, the book has held up amazingly well over the years, which is one of the reasons this course even exists. Another great read on design patterns can be found here by Martin Fowler. He talks about what a pattern is and some of the forms of patterns in a lot of detail. Another book I recommend is his "Patterns of Enterprise…
