From the course: C#: Design Patterns Part 1

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Categories of design patterns

Categories of design patterns - Python Tutorial

From the course: C#: Design Patterns Part 1

Categories of design patterns

- [Instructor] Now that we know a bit more about the history of patterns, we can talk about how we should organize them. There is more than one way to group patterns but let's start with the categories based around the purpose of the pattern. Creational patterns deal with how and when objects are instantiated. Creational patterns can be related to how the object instantiation is deferred to a subclass, the Factory. Or how an interface is passed in and it's later decided exactly what should be created. The abstract factory is a class instantiated all at once or over several operations like the Builder. Structural patterns define how classes and objects are assembled. Creating a new interface from an existing interface, the Adapter. Or bringing several interfaces together in a hierarchical structure like the Composite. Things like adding new functionality to an object without a new subclass, or just hiding an interface…
