From the course: Business Writing Principles

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Special considerations for reports

Special considerations for reports

From the course: Business Writing Principles

Special considerations for reports

- [Instructor] Long, short, technical, analytical, informational, memo, manuscript. All these are terms related to report writing, and there are even more. Regardless of the report you're writing, you have to consider the report's purpose, its length, its reader's characteristics, and the reader's expectations. Look at how each of those decisions impacts how you approach writing that business report. As we generally examine these areas, keep in mind that exceptions do exist as many report types, formats, and terms exist as there are companies. This general information, along with examining the reports used in your company, will help you write that effective business report. Let's start with a report type. Reports are usually grouped into informational or analytical. Research may have to be conducted to prepare both types of reports, but just one presents that information, whereas the second actually analyzes the…
