From the course: Business Writing Principles

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Special considerations for memos

Special considerations for memos

From the course: Business Writing Principles

Special considerations for memos

- [Instructor] How many paper memos do you read compared to emails you receive? Obviously, memos are declining as email messages increase. Those memos that are used are almost always sent internally, whereas the letter is sent to external business readers. However, even though the majority of information today is conveyed through email, the memorandum or memo for short, is still used in business. A memo might be an attachment to an email message, or it may be something that's posted on the bulletin board for all employees to see. Therefore, business writers still need to know the correct style and parts of a memo. In all the following examples, the memo could stand alone or it could be that attachment to an email message, or both. Company policy changes, hours, products sold, insurance. Anything employees need to know. Or announcements. A promotion, a welcome to a new employee, holiday parties, maybe a request for action.…
