From the course: Business Writing Principles

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Special considerations for hand-written notes

Special considerations for hand-written notes

From the course: Business Writing Principles

Special considerations for hand-written notes

- [Instructor] When you get your mail from your mailbox, what do you open first? Chances are you eagerly open the handwritten envelopes first. In this age of electronic communication, the handwritten note is viewed as personal, special, memorable, and appreciated. In what types of situations is the handwritten note appropriate? Maybe to show your gratitude to that client who called your boss to compliment you on how you handled a situation, or to follow up after the first meeting with a potential customer. Perhaps to congratulate a coworker on his or her promotion, or to thank that person who took the time to interview you, or to express your condolences to your subordinate for the death in her family. That handwritten note could also be sent to show thoughtfulness when someone is going through a private difficult time. Whatever the occasion, whether a happy or sad time, the handwritten note is viewed as something…
