From the course: Business Writing Principles

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Noticing the difference

Noticing the difference

- [Narrator] Old habits can be hard to break, but you now understand how important being an effective business writer is to your career. You also know the techniques to use that will get you noticed as an effective business writer. So you must continue following the writing process, and practicing those techniques to hone your skills. Remember that four fifths of your time should be spent planning and revising. Trying to remember everything to incorporate and checking to see if all the guidelines were followed can be time consuming. However, the good news is that eventually clear, concise, complete, and considerate, correct, courteous, credible, conversational, coherent, and concrete writing will become your default setting. You will be able to apply those techniques to letters, reports, emails, memos, any type of business document you have to compose. Keep telling yourself that a natural born writer is a myth. Those writers…
