From the course: Business Writing Principles

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Making your writing correct

Making your writing correct

- [Instructor] You've heard the cliche that you have one chance to make a good first impression. That cliche applies to your business messages. Often, a reader's first and maybe only impression of you is formed from that email or letter you send. One of the first things a reader notices is correctness. Your writing needs to be correct in all areas. First, check to make sure your recipient's name is spelled correctly, we like our names. You receive a message telling you how important your account is, but your name is spelled incorrectly. You notice the error immediately, and your first impression is that you weren't important enough for someone to verify the spelling of your name. Next, check that your mechanics are correct. As wonderful as spell-checkers and grammar-checkers are, they won't flag all mechanical or proofreading errors. Reading a message before sending it is crucial. When your reader sees an error, he or she doesn't…
