From the course: Business Writing Principles

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Making your writing considerate

Making your writing considerate

From the course: Business Writing Principles

Making your writing considerate

- [Narrator] Has anyone ever sent you a thinking of you card or opened a door for you, or helped you complete a project on time? You probably said, "Thanks, you are so considerate." We like considerate people, but have you ever considered that as a business writer, you need to be considerate to your reader? You can be considerate of your reader in a variety of ways. Make the document look easy to read, emphasize the message's main purpose, and follow the basic paragraphing guidelines. First, design your documents so it looks and is easy to read. Your reader is busy and your message is competing with numerous other messages. Readers will always choose a message that looks easy to read, so they don't have to work at reading long, confusing paragraphs, or try to determine your key points. Your responsibility as the writer is to design it in a considerate way. Look at these two versions. There are several steps to…
