From the course: Business Writing Principles

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Making your writing complete

Making your writing complete

- [Instructor] Complete. Self explanatory, right? Understanding what it means is simple, but making certain that your communications are complete isn't as simplistic. Once I received a letter asking me to speak at a conference. It told me where the conference would be, how many attendees were expected, what my topic would be, what the room provided, what my stipend would be and by when the committee needed my answer. Did you notice that the date of the conference was missing? That was a vital piece of information. Why our message is sent with incomplete information? One reason is that we forget that the reader doesn't know all the information we do. You know what you know, and may not consider that the reader doesn't necessarily know the same information. Think about this example. You send this email to your fellow meeting attendees. Just a reminder that our monthly meeting Friday will begin promptly at 10. Be sure to…
