From the course: Business Writing Principles

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Making your writing coherent

Making your writing coherent

- [Instructor] Think of coherent writing as writing that holds together, a message that flows well, all parts fit together, and all the ideas connect. Have you ever stopped reading something because you were uncertain how the ideas connected? Did you ever have to re-read an email because you thought you'd missed something? If you are the writer, you know how the ideas connect. But remember that the reader isn't seeing the connection through your eyes. Have you ever had a conversation with someone, and when you finished speaking, that person made a comment that seemed to have nothing to do with what you were saying? Consider this conversation. You, excitedly, "Let me tell you about the car I just bought. It's a 1996 blue Camaro with a V8, T-top, black leather interior, 16 inch wheels, and a six-speed stick shift." Your listener, after appearing to listen, replies with, "I really need to drop off some old newspapers…
