From the course: Business Writing Principles

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Introducing the 10 Cs of business writing

Introducing the 10 Cs of business writing

From the course: Business Writing Principles

Introducing the 10 Cs of business writing

- [Instructor] If you want to help improve the chances that your message will be read, will be understood the way you intended, and make a good impression on your reader, understanding and applying the Cs to your writing as you plan and revise can help you accomplish those goals. A writer has a right to expect every message to be complete, and concise, clear, conversational, courteous, correct, coherent, considerate, concrete, and credible. Even though these are listed in distinctive categories, they're not mutually exclusive, they do overlap. For example, a message may be unclear because it is incomplete, or a writer may be inconsiderate of the reader by sending a message that is filled with incorrect punctuation or the reader's name is spelled incorrectly. But looking at them in categories helps us more easily discuss what makes an effective message for our audience. Let's take a brief look at each C.…
