From the course: Business Writing Principles

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Addressing common grammatical errors

Addressing common grammatical errors

From the course: Business Writing Principles

Addressing common grammatical errors

- [Instructor] Are you like many people who wish you had listened more carefully in those English classes when whether to use I or me and the difference between I-T-S and I-T apostrophe S? And even if you do want your writing to be correct grammatically, you think there are just too many rules to go back and learn now. However, to be a successful business writer, you have to know what is correct because your reader will know, will care, and will form an impression of you based on your correct or incorrect grammar use. So let's look at some of the common errors and how to avoid them. Pronouns. I is used as a subject of a sentence or after a linking verb such as is. Me is used as an object of a preposition or of action verb. So what does all that mean? Let's analyze the following examples. Which pronoun, I, me, or myself, is correct? Joan and I, me, or myself would like to attend the conference. Give the report to…
