From the course: Business Development Foundations: Researching Market and Customer Needs

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Trying to close too early

Trying to close too early

- You wouldn't ask someone to marry you on the first date, but if you did, and they said yes, we'd all be taking bets on how long it would last. The same thing applies in sales. You don't ask a buyer to sign a contract right after you introduce yourself. Trying to close too early can turn off a potential buyer and tarnish your reputation as a biz dev rep. So, how do you know when the right time to ask is? When you have a buyer in front of you, there are five signs to look for. First, your buyer has started to articulate the value of your offering. In early conversations, you'll likely be talking about the value you can add. But that needs to shift. When the buyer starts talking about how initiatives could be impacted by your solution, or the benefits of your offering, that's the clue they've internalized the value you're bringing to the table. Second, when you've discussed the investment, in terms of dollars and time. Asking for a close before you've discussed clear pricing and…
