From the course: Business Development Foundations: Researching Market and Customer Needs

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Research fundamentals

Research fundamentals

- One the most impactful business development lessons came from my fourth grade teacher, Miss Buckner. You're probably thinking, what kind of insane elementary school did you go to? But give me a second, let me explain. This lesson was actually about nonfiction writing. Miss Buckner taught us that in order to develop a complete story, you had to be able to answer the five Ws, Who, What, Where, When, and Why. And those same five Ws are important for business development. Let's dive deeper into these five categories and look at them through a business development lens. Who is, well, the person you're calling on. You need to go beyond their name and title here. Think about what metrics this person is responsible for and what role they play in organizational success. What. What is the business they're in? What problems are they solving for their customers on a daily basis? And it's really easy to be too broad here, like saying banking. But what does banking do? It helps people save money,…
