From the course: Business Development Foundations: Researching Market and Customer Needs

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Never giving up

Never giving up

- So you've been working with this prospect for awhile now. A long while, and they can't seem to make any progress. When do you cut the cord? It sounds harsh, but sinking hours and hours into a prospect who just won't make up their mind takes away your time from prospects that might be more ready to make a decision. There are three signs it's time to move on. First, the obvious. They just keep putting you off. Canceled meetings left and right. Unresponsive to email. It's time to redefine the relationship. Say something like, "It seems like you're not "quite ready to make a decision. "Would it be helpful if I reached out in three months?" Second, your prospect is withholding information. They won't share their budget, they will not talk about implementation challenges, and they don't want you to talk to anyone else. If your buyer is refusing to give up any details after a couple of conversations, they likely never will. You can't effectively sell without this information. And if you…
