From the course: Business Development Foundations: Researching Market and Customer Needs

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Know your best customers

Know your best customers

- When you're chasing a number, it's easy to think that your ideal customer is anyone who will sign on the dotted line. Well, think again. Biz Dev is a numbers game, and one of the most important factors is time. The more effectively you manage your time, with lead generation and prospect conversations, the more time you have to close business. That's where buyer personas come in. According to HubSpot, a buyer persona is a semi-fictional representation of your ideal customer, based on market research and data about your existing customers. We use these all the time with our clients. Customer personas vary widely across different industries, but they typically have four crucial pieces of information. First is position. If you're calling on a business, you need to determine who has the decision-making authority. This could be something like a title or a seniority level. Second is a revenue qualifier. You don't have to know the exact revenue, but having an idea around the size of the…
