From the course: Business Development Foundations: Researching Market and Customer Needs

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Closing too slowly

Closing too slowly

- Time is money and if you're closing too slowly, you're missing out on potential customers and potential dollars. Nurtured leads make 47% larger purchases. In business development, you know those conversations are crucial for building a relationship, trust and value. But how do you know when you've nurtured too much, and how do you know when the sales process isn't moving along at all? A stalled sales process can be frustrating, so let's look at what you can do to speed it up and close faster. You can create more urgency through value. What is the true cost for your customer of doing nothing? What is their competition doing? What money are they leaving on the table? The more you can quantify your value, the more urgency there will be. Engage new players. If your sales process isn't moving with the person you're talking to, bringing in additional users or influencers, that can expedite the process. The more enthusiasm that's coming in from the outside, the more your buyer might be…
