From the course: Building a Data-Driven Skills-First Workforce Strategy

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How to store skills data

How to store skills data

- [Instructor] Now that you know how to capture and validate skills data, where should it go? If you have an HCM or HR information system it can be configured to capture skills for employees. You can often import skills new hires have by including information from the applicant tracking system they enter during the job application process. Finally, learning management systems can also be another option for storing skills based on courses employees have taken. Which one you should select to store your skills data depends on many factors, which we can break down into systems and processes. For systems, if you want to know during which role an employee has the skill and you'll like to track how the proficiency in that particular skill improves as the employee changes roles, HCM or HRIS may be a better choice than LMS which often does not have detailed job history or position information on employees. You can always export…
