From the course: Building a Data-Driven Skills-First Workforce Strategy

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Getting it right

Getting it right

- Here's a four step process you can follow to start on the right path. First, have a clear business problem senior leaders are supportive of solving. What business problem will you be able to solve once you have skills data? What is a business problem versus an HR problem that senior leaders may consider as too HR focused? In general, a business problem has a clear top line or bottom line impact if not resolved. For instance, having a sales team that isn't proficient in negotiations means leaving money on the table in deals. Understanding who are experts in negotiations and who need additional development on the sales team allows you to create a strategy to upscale appropriately. An HR problem, on the other hand, only has indirect impact on a business top or bottom line. A 10% increase in employee engagement, for instance, while it's understood to be important for the business, might not have a clear financial impact without…
