From the course: Build an Ecommerce Site in 30 Minutes with Shopify, WooCommerce, Squarespace, and Wix

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Customize a theme for your design

Customize a theme for your design

We installed and activated our theme. Now comes the fun part, let's customize it to make it match our brand. In WordPress, you can customize your theme with the WordPress customizer. And if you go into the customizer, we can see that there's a bunch of settings that we can change. We can change the title, we can change the logo, we can change header colors, footer colors, all sorts of things. Let's start customizing the theme. We're going to go from top to bottom on the Settings panel. Let's start with site identity. One thing that you should always do is add a site title. I've already added H+ Sport here. Go ahead and add one if you don't already. Some themes also show your tagline. I'll use Revive, Refuel, Regenerate. And this is an older logo from the H+ Sport brand. Let's go ahead and change this. I'll click "Change Logo" and I'll upload a new file. And I'll make sure it's cropped correctly. That's the new logo. We need to do some work to make sure it looks good with the header…
