From the course: Build an Ecommerce Site in 30 Minutes with Shopify, WooCommerce, Squarespace, and Wix

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Build a home page

Build a home page

We've customized the look and feel of our template. Now we need to customize the home page so we're highlighting the right products, the right categories, and we use our own photography instead of the default photography. To recap what we're going to try to create, this is the wireframe that we created in Chapter 1. We're going to make something like this right now. Let's see how close we can get. Let's start with the header. The header actually looks partially transparent, which I didn't notice earlier. Let's make this opaque so we don't see this line where the image ends, and there's a white background. I'll click on the three little dots, change header design, customize design, fill color & opacity, and change the background to 100 percent opaque. Now we've hidden that little line where the image meets the white background. Now let's go ahead and change this big image in the center. These are often called hero images. Let's change the text and then change the image. Let's change…
